Cara Gibson (she/her)
B.Sc. (Hons), Univ. of Toronto, M.Sc., & Ph.D., Univ. of Arizona
I was trained as an Entomologist (Insect Scientist) and my Insect-Fungal Symbiosis research required an interdisciplinary approach combining Systematics and Biodiversity, Ecology and Evolution, and Microbiology.
After my Ph.D. I became the first Insect Ecologist at the National Ecological Observatory Network (Boulder, CO) where I developed the sampling designs, protocols, schedules, budgets and formal training materials for a continent-wide, multi-decadal biodiversity monitoring program. I returned to Tucson as an Adjunct Professor (Microbiology) and then became an Assistant Professor of Practice (teaching focused) and Director of Science Communication (Entomology) at the University of Arizona. I created award-winning online courses and directed the Arizona Insect Festival, 6,500+ attendees, which became one of Tucson's top 20 events. I also co-produced and had a lead screen role in a short documentary film, Insecta, that was nominated for an Emmy and distributed on American Public Television. I am currently the Executive Director at Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary on Lekwungen Territory - a 170 acre conserved natural park in the urban context of what is known as Victoria, BC (Vancouver Island). Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary encompasses a vital wetland, wildflower-rich oak meadows and ~10% of the municipality's rare, threatened, and endangered biodiversity, including one of the last breeding populations of Western Painted Turtles. It is a huge joy and honour to lead a charitable organization with 11 staff and over 250 volunteers dedicated to offering community an accessible gathering place to practice ecological restoration and the skills for a climate-resilient future. |
Assistant Professor of Practice, University of AZ, Tucson, AZ, 2016-2018
Visual Science Communications
A face-to-face, applied, independent learning experience for the university’s 100% Engagement Initiative, undergraduate level I led the design and implementation of this new engagement experience for students to independently solve real-world problems in visual science communications. Students were to create well-honed finished pieces (print, web, or social media) over 16 weeks. Students would then exhibit their work to local community partners who could support the implementation of these student-led design solutions. This experience developing and negotiating industry partnerships offered students a competitive edge upon graduation. |
Secrets of Success: How Insects Conquered Earth!
A fully online, primarily asynchronous, undergraduate general education course for non-science majors I redesigned this formerly face-to-face class (co-taught by 2 lecturers) to create a new online course that emphasized important concepts for understanding the evolution of arthropods (insects and their allies). I received a competitive award to develop this course further for the university’s online curriculum as well as outstanding student feedback: “Professor Gibson had an excellent method of online teaching. In my whole college experience thus far, I have taken five online courses and her entomology course has been the best one. I would gladly take another course taught by her whether that may be online or in person.” (Used with permission) |
Integrated Pest Management
A fully online, completely asynchronous, undergraduate / graduate level course I redesigned what was formerly a face-to-face, discussion style class (team taught by 9 lecturers) to create a new, cohesive online course aligned with testing requirements for state Pest Control Adviser licensing and using engaged teaching and learning practices. The Arizona Department of Agriculture wrote me a thank-you note for addressing a state-wide deficit. I also received exceptional feedback from students: “Dr. Gibson was very attentive, and I received feedback from her at every assignment submitted. Her feedback was different from any other feedback I received from past courses, even when compared to in person courses. Dr. Gibson would give detailed comments on my assignments, and ask questions of me in new ways, which helped me to reflect in more depth about what was being taught.” (Used with permission) |
Adjunct Faculty, Pima Community College, Tucson, AZ, 2011-2012
An upper level face-to-face integrated lab & lecture course in the allied health track. This course included an overview of microbial diversity, the fundamentals of cells, and principles of microbial control and pathogenesis. The laboratory work included hands-on experience in microscopy, gram-staining, pure culture isolation, quantitative plate counts and biochemical reactions. |
Teaching Associate, Instructor of Record, University of AZ, Tucson, AZ, 2001-08
Molecular & Cellular Biology Laboratory
A course designed for undergraduates to deepen understanding of the scientific approach and experimentation, as well as a range of fundamental biological concepts. Specific topics included the nature of the molecular world, the structure and function of key macromolecules and experimental investigation into the development of a simple organism. 144 students over three semesters |
Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Laboratory
A course designed for undergraduates to deepen understanding of the scientific approach and experimentation, as well as a range of fundamental biological concepts. Specific topics included population genetics and phylogenetic reconstruction, exploration of adaption and strategy, investigations of anatomy and physiology, desert plant growth strategies, and sexual and natural selection. 138 students over three semesters |
Sonoran Insect Biodiversity Course
I co-created curriculum with three other instructors to teach foundations of both conceptual and practical ways of understanding Insect Biodiversity. I lectured, led specimen collection trips and taught curation methods in Sonora, Mexico. 20 undergraduate & graduate students |
Teaching Assistant, Instructional Support, University of AZ, Tucson, AZ, 2001-08:
Microbial Diversity
Lead Instructor: Dr. Betsy Arnold This course spanned the diversity, ecology, evolution, and importance of acellular, prokaryotic, and eukaryotic microbes. I was responsible for marking student assessments and gave two 50 min lectures. 49 students |
Views of Life
Lead Instructor: Dr. Elizabeth Willott This general education course was an introduction to biology for non-majors and was focused on whole organisms and ecosystems. I co-created instructional materials and gave four 50 min lectures. 150 students |
Insect Systematics
Lead Instructor: Dr. David Maddison This conceptual and practical lab course focused on specimen preparation and phylogenetic inference for extant arthropods. I organized field trips & materials for laboratory practicums. 15 graduate students |
James, D, A Wasserman, K, Miskelly, K Turner, N Shackelford, & Cara Gibson. 2024. Connecting and Collaborating to Create Safer Spaces for Diverse People and Nature. Society for Ecological Restoration North American Conference Workshop. Vancouver, BC.
Gibson, Cara. 2024. Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary as a Cornerstone Park for Victoria, BC. Park People. Vancouver, BC.
Lewis-Henderson, S, J Rastogi, and Cara Gibson. 2023. Community Stewardship in an Urban Oak Meadow Ecosystem. Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team. Victoria, BC.
Lewis-Henderson, S, M Haller, M Papp, G Schepens, & Cara Gibson. 2023. Wetland Waterkeepers: Community-Engaged Stewardship in an Urban Bluespace. BC Lakes Stewardship Society. Victoria, BC.
Gibson, Cara. 2021. Millions of Miniature Marriages: Candid Tales of Insect-Fungal Unions. South Vancouver Island Mycological Society. Victoria, BC.
Gibson, Cara. 2021. Unsung stories of insects and their fungal associates. Victoria Natural History Society. Victoria, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2019. Clash of the chitins: A synopsis of insect-fungal symbioses. Metchosin MycoBlitz. Metchosin, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2019. Who is an expert? Overcoming barriers & bias. Canadian Freelance Union. Victoria, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2018. Best practices in online teaching and learning. Joint Entomological Societies of Canada & America. Vancouver, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2018. Sensing for Yield and Energy-Smart Farming – Pest Management. United States Department of Energy -- Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy. Phoenix, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2017. What good are insects? Key ecosystem services from our tiny neighbors. The Loft Cinema. Tucson, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2017. What if everyone loved insects as much as they loved sports? Biosphere 2. Oracle, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2014. Fungal symbionts of insects: Unsung dimensions of diversity & merit. Center for Insect Science. Tucson, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2014. Hidden in plain sight: Illuminating insect-fungal interactions. Entomological Society of America, Pacific Branch. Tucson, AZ
Kao, RH & Cara Gibson. 2011. An introduction to NEON. Univ. of Colorado Museum Studies Workshop. Boulder, CO
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2010. Insect-fungal mutualisms. European COST Action. Evolution & diversity of symbioses of arthropods. Bad Bevenson, Germany
Gibson, Cara. 2024. Swan Lake Nature Sanctuary as a Cornerstone Park for Victoria, BC. Park People. Vancouver, BC.
Lewis-Henderson, S, J Rastogi, and Cara Gibson. 2023. Community Stewardship in an Urban Oak Meadow Ecosystem. Garry Oak Ecosystem Recovery Team. Victoria, BC.
Lewis-Henderson, S, M Haller, M Papp, G Schepens, & Cara Gibson. 2023. Wetland Waterkeepers: Community-Engaged Stewardship in an Urban Bluespace. BC Lakes Stewardship Society. Victoria, BC.
Gibson, Cara. 2021. Millions of Miniature Marriages: Candid Tales of Insect-Fungal Unions. South Vancouver Island Mycological Society. Victoria, BC.
Gibson, Cara. 2021. Unsung stories of insects and their fungal associates. Victoria Natural History Society. Victoria, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2019. Clash of the chitins: A synopsis of insect-fungal symbioses. Metchosin MycoBlitz. Metchosin, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2019. Who is an expert? Overcoming barriers & bias. Canadian Freelance Union. Victoria, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2018. Best practices in online teaching and learning. Joint Entomological Societies of Canada & America. Vancouver, BC
Gibson, Cara. 2018. Sensing for Yield and Energy-Smart Farming – Pest Management. United States Department of Energy -- Advanced Research Projects Agency - Energy. Phoenix, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2017. What good are insects? Key ecosystem services from our tiny neighbors. The Loft Cinema. Tucson, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2017. What if everyone loved insects as much as they loved sports? Biosphere 2. Oracle, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2014. Fungal symbionts of insects: Unsung dimensions of diversity & merit. Center for Insect Science. Tucson, AZ
Gibson, Cara. 2014. Hidden in plain sight: Illuminating insect-fungal interactions. Entomological Society of America, Pacific Branch. Tucson, AZ
Kao, RH & Cara Gibson. 2011. An introduction to NEON. Univ. of Colorado Museum Studies Workshop. Boulder, CO
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2010. Insect-fungal mutualisms. European COST Action. Evolution & diversity of symbioses of arthropods. Bad Bevenson, Germany
I raised both intra- and extramural funding, led the branding, website design, and created all web and print adverts for this film that I co-produced.
Gibson, Cara. 2024. Swan Lake: A Vital Urban Sanctuary. Victoria Foundation blog post.
D'Souza, Jason. 2024. Community-engaged Western Painted Turtle monitoring. CBC All Points West interview.
Romphf, Jake. 2024. Saanich's Christmas Hill earns milestone biodiversity distinction. Saanich News interview.
Colussi, George. 2023. Volunteer Matters. Podcast interview.
Blandy, Curtis. 2023. ‘Explore reconciliation’: Native plant sale this weekend could help people and pollinators. Victoria Buzz interview.
Fleerackers, A. 2019. Art The Science - CREATORS: Cara Gibson. Provided interview & artwork.
Hulcr, J & Cara Gibson. 2019. Communication is Power: Here’s How Entomologists Can Use It. Entomology Today blog post.
Gibson, Cara. 2017. Outside the Tower: A big, bug science party. Science 355 (6321): 141.
Entomology Today. 2017. "Insecta" Documentary Explores the Wonder of Entomology. Provided interview & internet resources.
University of Arizona Communications. 2017. Q&A With Cara Gibson, Director of the Arizona Insect Festival. Provided interview, internet resources, & contacts.
Gibson, Cara. 2016 - 2018. UA Entomology Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube. Primary designer & content creator.
Gibson, Cara and B Ransom. 2016 - 2017. SciArt Initiative's 'The Bridge: Experiments in Science & Art', a cross-disciplinary residency program. Art & blog co-creator.
Everett-Haynes, LM. 2016. Protection of Pollinator World Is Important to Agriculture. Provided interview, internet resources, & contacts.
Gibson, Cara. 2015. Desert Insects: This Bug’s For You. Tucson Lifestyle Home & Garden.
Gibson, Cara. 2012 - 2018. Arizona Insect Festival Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & 2015 Crowdfund Campaign. Created content & responded to community inquiries.
Hoekman, D, Cara Gibson, & KK Blevins. 2012. DNA barcodes for NEON’s terrestrial insects: Short & long term development, & applications. International Barcode of Life Bulletin.
Blevins, KK & Cara Gibson. 2012. Creating a digital menagerie. NEON Notes Blog about DNA Barcoding.
Gardiner, L. 2011. Hunting for bugs at Saguaro National Park BioBlitz. Provided interview, photos & text for SciStarter blog.
Darling, DC & Cara Gibson. 2000. Life & death on the Leslie Street Spit: Among the goldenrods, a macabre tale of parasitoid life unfolds. Rotunda 32(3): 24-9.
D'Souza, Jason. 2024. Community-engaged Western Painted Turtle monitoring. CBC All Points West interview.
Romphf, Jake. 2024. Saanich's Christmas Hill earns milestone biodiversity distinction. Saanich News interview.
Colussi, George. 2023. Volunteer Matters. Podcast interview.
Blandy, Curtis. 2023. ‘Explore reconciliation’: Native plant sale this weekend could help people and pollinators. Victoria Buzz interview.
Fleerackers, A. 2019. Art The Science - CREATORS: Cara Gibson. Provided interview & artwork.
Hulcr, J & Cara Gibson. 2019. Communication is Power: Here’s How Entomologists Can Use It. Entomology Today blog post.
Gibson, Cara. 2017. Outside the Tower: A big, bug science party. Science 355 (6321): 141.
Entomology Today. 2017. "Insecta" Documentary Explores the Wonder of Entomology. Provided interview & internet resources.
University of Arizona Communications. 2017. Q&A With Cara Gibson, Director of the Arizona Insect Festival. Provided interview, internet resources, & contacts.
Gibson, Cara. 2016 - 2018. UA Entomology Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube. Primary designer & content creator.
Gibson, Cara and B Ransom. 2016 - 2017. SciArt Initiative's 'The Bridge: Experiments in Science & Art', a cross-disciplinary residency program. Art & blog co-creator.
Everett-Haynes, LM. 2016. Protection of Pollinator World Is Important to Agriculture. Provided interview, internet resources, & contacts.
Gibson, Cara. 2015. Desert Insects: This Bug’s For You. Tucson Lifestyle Home & Garden.
Gibson, Cara. 2012 - 2018. Arizona Insect Festival Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube & 2015 Crowdfund Campaign. Created content & responded to community inquiries.
Hoekman, D, Cara Gibson, & KK Blevins. 2012. DNA barcodes for NEON’s terrestrial insects: Short & long term development, & applications. International Barcode of Life Bulletin.
Blevins, KK & Cara Gibson. 2012. Creating a digital menagerie. NEON Notes Blog about DNA Barcoding.
Gardiner, L. 2011. Hunting for bugs at Saguaro National Park BioBlitz. Provided interview, photos & text for SciStarter blog.
Darling, DC & Cara Gibson. 2000. Life & death on the Leslie Street Spit: Among the goldenrods, a macabre tale of parasitoid life unfolds. Rotunda 32(3): 24-9.
Hulcr, J, PS Dharampal, RL Hamm, G Pearson & Cara Gibson. 2019. Influence is Power: Strategic Communication for Entomologists. American Entomologist. 65(2): 92–6.
Hoekman, D, KE LeVan, Cara Gibson, et al. 2017. Design for ground beetle abundance and diversity sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere 8(4):e01744.
Hoekman, D, YS Springer, Cara Gibson, et al. 2016. Design for mosquito abundance, diversity, and phenology sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere 7(5):e01320.
Kao, RH, Cara Gibson et al. 2012. NEON terrestrial field observations: Designing continental-scale, standardized sampling. Ecosphere 3:art115.
Gibson Cara, RH Kao, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2012. Integrative taxonomy for continental-scale terrestrial insect observations. PLOS ONE 7(5): e37528.
Gibson, Cara, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2012. NEON Configured Technical Reports, Field & Laboratory Protocols: Ground Beetle Diversity 98 pp.; Mosquito Diversity 56 pp.
Schimel, D, M Keller, S Berukoff, RH Kao, H Loescher, H Powell, T Kampe, DJP Moore, W Gram, D Barnett, RE Gallery, Cara Gibson, et al. 2011. The NEON Science Strategy Document. 56pp.
Gibson, Cara, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2011. NEON Field & Lab Training Protocols: Ground Beetle Abundance & Diversity 36 pp.; Mosquito Abundance, Diversity, & Phenology 28 pp.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2010. Extraordinarily widespread & fantastically complex: Comparative biology of endosymbiotic bacterial & fungal mutualists of insects. Ecology Letters 13:223-34.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2009. Negative fitness consequences & transmission dynamics of a heritable fungal symbiont in a parasitic wasp. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 75(10): 3115-9.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2009. Inherited fungal & bacterial endosymbionts of a parasitic wasp & its cockroach host. Microbial Ecology 57(3): 542-9.
U’Ren, JM, JW Dalling, RE Gallery, DR Maddison, EC Davis, Cara Gibson & AE Arnold. 2009. Diversity & evolutionary origins of fungi associated with seeds of a neotropical pioneer tree: A case study for analyzing fungal environmental samples. Mycological Research 113(4): 432-49.
Bidartondo, MI & 249 others, including Cara Gibson. 2008. Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319 (5870): 1616.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2005. Reconsideration of the role of yeast associated with Chrysoperla green lacewings. Biological Control 32(1): 57-64.
Suh, S-O, Cara Gibson & M Blackwell. 2004. Metschnikowia chrysoperlae sp. nov., Candida picachoensis sp. nov. & Candida pimensis sp. nov., isolated from green lacewings Chrysoperla comanche & Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). International Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary Microbiology 54: 1883-90.
Hoekman, D, KE LeVan, Cara Gibson, et al. 2017. Design for ground beetle abundance and diversity sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere 8(4):e01744.
Hoekman, D, YS Springer, Cara Gibson, et al. 2016. Design for mosquito abundance, diversity, and phenology sampling within the National Ecological Observatory Network. Ecosphere 7(5):e01320.
Kao, RH, Cara Gibson et al. 2012. NEON terrestrial field observations: Designing continental-scale, standardized sampling. Ecosphere 3:art115.
Gibson Cara, RH Kao, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2012. Integrative taxonomy for continental-scale terrestrial insect observations. PLOS ONE 7(5): e37528.
Gibson, Cara, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2012. NEON Configured Technical Reports, Field & Laboratory Protocols: Ground Beetle Diversity 98 pp.; Mosquito Diversity 56 pp.
Schimel, D, M Keller, S Berukoff, RH Kao, H Loescher, H Powell, T Kampe, DJP Moore, W Gram, D Barnett, RE Gallery, Cara Gibson, et al. 2011. The NEON Science Strategy Document. 56pp.
Gibson, Cara, KK Blevins & PD Travers. 2011. NEON Field & Lab Training Protocols: Ground Beetle Abundance & Diversity 36 pp.; Mosquito Abundance, Diversity, & Phenology 28 pp.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2010. Extraordinarily widespread & fantastically complex: Comparative biology of endosymbiotic bacterial & fungal mutualists of insects. Ecology Letters 13:223-34.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2009. Negative fitness consequences & transmission dynamics of a heritable fungal symbiont in a parasitic wasp. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 75(10): 3115-9.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2009. Inherited fungal & bacterial endosymbionts of a parasitic wasp & its cockroach host. Microbial Ecology 57(3): 542-9.
U’Ren, JM, JW Dalling, RE Gallery, DR Maddison, EC Davis, Cara Gibson & AE Arnold. 2009. Diversity & evolutionary origins of fungi associated with seeds of a neotropical pioneer tree: A case study for analyzing fungal environmental samples. Mycological Research 113(4): 432-49.
Bidartondo, MI & 249 others, including Cara Gibson. 2008. Preserving accuracy in GenBank. Science 319 (5870): 1616.
Gibson, Cara & MS Hunter. 2005. Reconsideration of the role of yeast associated with Chrysoperla green lacewings. Biological Control 32(1): 57-64.
Suh, S-O, Cara Gibson & M Blackwell. 2004. Metschnikowia chrysoperlae sp. nov., Candida picachoensis sp. nov. & Candida pimensis sp. nov., isolated from green lacewings Chrysoperla comanche & Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae). International Journal of Systematic & Evolutionary Microbiology 54: 1883-90.
Link to Research Gate profile here.
BC Nature
Entomological Collections Network
Pollinator Partnership
Society for Ecological Restoration
South Vancouver Island Mycological Society
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Entomological Collections Network
Pollinator Partnership
Society for Ecological Restoration
South Vancouver Island Mycological Society
The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation
Biological Control, Biomed Central Ecology, Biomed Central Microbiology, California Department of Food & Agriculture Biological Research Grants, Canadian Entomologist, Ecology Letters, Frontiers in Ecology & The Environment, Genome Biology & Evolution, Israel Science Foundation, Molecular Ecology Resources, National Geographic Research and Exploration Grants, Nature – Scientific Reports, Symbiosis, & External Reviewer for Master’s thesis, Rhodes University, South Africa.